Loganholme Plumber

Loganholme Residential & Commercial Plumbing Professionals

Looking for a trusted and professional Loganholme plumber?

Before you make any calls to local plumbers, ask yourself a few of these questions:

  • Is this Loganholme plumbing company committed to meeting all your plumbing needs?
  • Is the company family owned and/or operated?
  • Does this plumbing company always answer their telephone?
  • Does this plumbing company have decades of plumbing experience?
  • Does the plumber take off his dirty shoes and put down several drop sheets for protecting your flooring?
  • Do they offer you a 100% customer service guarantee that includes LIFETIME GUARANTEES on all WORKMANSHIP?
  • Does this Loganholme plumber give you a courtesy phone call long before they arrive at your door?
  • Does this plumbing company use EFTPOS machines for processing credit card payments securely?
  • Does the plumber always leave the work area better than when they arrived?


Plumbers heading to Meadowbrook, Shailer Park, Daisy Hill, and Coorparoo fixing sinks with a smile

Plumbing problem?

Call one of our professional technicians today.

1800 4ADEPT

1800 423 378

Your Professional Loganholme Plumber!

Adept Plumbing and Gas Services

If you are in need of a Loganholme Plumbing Company, Adept Plumbing and Gas Services is here to HELP you. Our professionally trained technicians use only the latest plumbing equipment and technologies to fix plumbing problems quickly.

Regardless if we are working with our large commercial customers or a small homeowners property, we will work to exceed your expectations. We create benchmarks in the plumbing industry each year, committed to focusing our efforts on Exceptional Quality Service, Dedicated Workmanship, and Instant Accurate Appraisals.

Adept Plumbing and Gas is family owned and operated. We have been operating in this area for several decades. We have been servicing your neighbors in all that time. We are dedicated to providing more in value than the money spent on each job we do.



  • Professional line tracing

  • Detecting water leaks

  • Thermostatic valves installed and testing

  • Professional auditing and/or water efficiency usage

  • Installing and/or repairing hot water systems

  • CCTV pipe inspections or maintenance

  • Back flow valve testing and maintenance

  • Plumbing maintenance and/or services

  • Repairing and/or clearing blocked or broken drains